Лучший контроль по области, привлечение морских воинов
Марина Генерал, защищающая Столп Южной Атлантики. Нежный и красивый, ученик музыкального искусства, он верит, что Посейдон очистит этот мир от зла, и вернулся домой, чтобы бороться за это дело. Используя свою флейту в бою, его музыка может пронзить барабанные перепонки его врагов.
- Редкость
- A
- Cloth kind
- Marina
- Available
- Yes
- HP
- 15 157
- Speed
- 124
- Защита
- 485
- Косм. ЗЩТ
- 533
- 2 141
- 400

- Deals 80% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. Множитель урона 80%
- Deals 85% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. Множитель урона 85%
- Deals 90% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. Множитель урона 90%
- Deals 95% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. Множитель урона 95%
- Deals 100% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. Множитель урона 100%

- Makes each enemy have a 70% chance (+Status HIT) to fall into Sleep. Can put up to 3 targets into Sleep (Cooldown: 1 turn). Шанс в 70% наложить сон (до 3 целей)
- Makes each enemy have a 70% chance (+Status HIT) to fall into Sleep. Can put up to 4 targets into Sleep (Cooldown: 1 turn). Шанс в 70% наложить сон (до 4 целей)
- Lowers all enemies' C.DEF by 25% for 2 rounds; each enemy has a 75% chance (+ Status HIT) of falling into Sleep. Up to 4 enemies can be put to Sleep. Lowers all enemies' C.DEF by 25% for 2 rounds; 75% chance, put up to 4 targets into Sleep

- Summons 1 banshee, with an 80% chance (+ Status HIT) of sending 1 random enemy who is awake to Sleep. If the enemy falls asleep, the banshee has a 15% chance (+Status HIT) of making the enemy fall into Deep Sleep. The banshee inherits 5% of Sorrento's HP; the target has a 15% chance of falling into Deep Sleep.
- Summons 1 banshee, with an 80% chance (+ Status HIT) of sending 1 random enemy who is awake to Sleep. If the enemy falls asleep, the banshee has a 15% chance (+Status HIT) of making the enemy fall into Deep Sleep. Банши передается 10% здоровья Сорренто Сирены
- Summons 1 banshee, with an 80% chance (+ Status HIT) of sending 1 random enemy who is awake to Sleep. If the enemy falls asleep, the banshee has a 20% chance (+Status HIT) of making the enemy fall into Deep Sleep. The banshee inherits 15% of Sorrento's HP; the target has a 20% chance of falling into Deep Sleep.
- Summons 1 banshee, with an 80% chance (+ Status HIT) of sending 1 random enemy who is awake to Sleep. If the enemy falls asleep, the banshee has a 20% chance (+Status HIT) of making the enemy fall into Deep Sleep. Банши передается 20% здоровья Сорренто Сирены
- Summons 1 banshee, with an 80% chance (+ Status HIT) of sending 1 random enemy who is awake to Sleep. If the enemy falls asleep, the banshee has a 35% chance (+Status HIT) of making the enemy fall into Deep Sleep. The banshee inherits 25% of Sorrento's HP; the target has a 35% chance of falling into Deep Sleep.

- When inflicting Sleep, Siren Sorrento has a 15% chance (+Status HIT) to make the enemy fall into Deep Sleep (cannot wake up when attacked). Шанс Глубокого сна в 15%
- When inflicting Sleep, Siren Sorrento has a 20% chance (+Status HIT) to make the enemy fall into Deep Sleep (cannot wake up when attacked). Шанс Глубокого сна в 20%
- When inflicting Sleep, Siren Sorrento has a 25% chance (+Status HIT) to make the enemy fall into Deep Sleep (cannot wake up when attacked). Шанс Глубокого сна в 25%
- When inflicting Sleep, Siren Sorrento has a 30% chance (+Status HIT) to make the enemy fall into Deep Sleep (cannot wake up when attacked). 30% chance of Deep Sleep
- When inflicting Sleep, Siren Sorrento has a 35% chance (+Status HIT) to make the enemy fall into Deep Sleep (cannot wake up when attacked). 35% chance of Deep Sleep