Drain and restore life, devouring worms.
Raimi is a Specter who moves and attacks from underground. Those who are hit by Worm Bind will have a hard time escaping, and eventually be strangulated. This makes Raimi rather arrogant, and as we all know, arrogance often leads to one's demise.
- Rarity
- B
- Cloth kind
- Specter
- Available
- Yes
- HP
- 14 742
- Speed
- 247
- 498
- 498
- 2 338
- 600

- Deals 80% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. 80% Cosmic damage
- Deals 85% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. 85% Cosmic damage
- Deals 90% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. 90% Cosmic damage
- Deals 95% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. 95% Cosmic damage
- Deals 100% Cosmo damage to 1 enemy. 100% Cosmic damage

- Release a group of worms to attack 1 enemy unit dealing 40% C.DMG. The worms have a 20% chance to catch the enemy in a death bite (only 3 groups of Worm Rope can exist at any one time). 40% Cosmic damage, 20% chance.
- Release a group of worms to attack 1 enemy unit dealing 45% C.DMG. The worms have a 40% chance to catch the enemy in a death bite (only 3 groups of Worm Rope can exist at any one time). 45% Cosmic damage, 40% chance.
- Release a group of worms to attack 1 enemy unit dealing 50% C.DMG. The worms have a 60% chance to catch the enemy in a death bite (only 3 groups of Worm Rope can exist at any one time). 50% Cosmic damage, 60% chance.
- Release a group of worms to attack 1 enemy unit dealing 55% C.DMG. The worms have a 80% chance to catch the enemy in a death bite (only 3 groups of Worm Rope can exist at any one time). 55% Cosmic damage, 80% chance.
- Release a group of worms to attack 1 enemy unit dealing 60% C.DMG. The worms have a 100% chance to catch the enemy in a death bite (only 3 groups of Worm Rope can exist at any one time). 60% Cosmic damage, 100% chance.

- A target restricted by Worm Bind will take 100% C.DMG after acting. Raimi will recover 100% of damage dealt as Health, and excess Health will heal damaged allies (the healing will be split equally among all damaged allies). 100% Cosmic damage, 100% HP Steal.
- A target restricted by Worm Bind will take 120% C.DMG after acting. Raimi will recover 150% of damage dealt as Health, and excess Health will heal damaged allies (the healing will be split equally among all damaged allies). 120% Cosmic damage, 150% HP Steal.
- A target restricted by Worm Bind will take 140% C.DMG after acting. Raimi will recover 200% of damage dealt as Health, and excess Health will heal damaged allies (the healing will be split equally among all damaged allies). 140% Cosmic damage, 200% HP Steal.
- A target restricted by Worm Bind will take 160% C.DMG after acting. Raimi will recover 250% of damage dealt as Health, and excess Health will heal damaged allies (the healing will be split equally among all damaged allies). 160% Cosmic damage, 250% HP Steal.
- A target restricted by Worm Bind will take 180% C.DMG after acting. Raimi will recover 300% of damage dealt as Health, and excess Health will heal damaged allies (the healing will be split equally among all damaged allies). 180% Cosmic damage, 300% HP Steal.