Звездный свет заманивает врага, холодный ветер помогает сражаться
Камю учил Хьюгу противостоять своим врагам с предельной жестокостью, независимо от того, кто они. Однако, встречаясь со своим братом, он не может этого сделать ..
- Редкость
- A
- Cloth kind
- Legendary
- Available
- Yes
- HP
- 13 261
- Speed
- 328
- Защита
- 488
- Косм. ЗЩТ
- 374
- 2 970
- 400

- Deals 100% C.DMG to an enemy. If an ally is carrying the Cygnus Cross, there is a 40% chance to gain 1 meridian star point. 100% damage multiplier, 40% chance to replenish a meridian star point.
- Deals 105% C.DMG to an enemy. If an ally is carrying the Cygnus Cross, there is a 40% chance to gain 1 meridian star point. 105% damage multiplier, 40% chance to replenish a meridian star point.
- Deals 110% C.DMG to an enemy. If an ally is carrying the Cygnus Cross, there is a 60% chance to gain 1 meridian star point. 110% damage multiplier, 60% chance to replenish a meridian star point.
- Deals 115% C.DMG to an enemy. If an ally is carrying the Cygnus Cross, there is an 80% chance to gain 1 meridian star point. 115% damage multiplier, 80% chance to replenish a meridian star point.
- Deals 120% C.DMG to an enemy. If an ally is carrying the Cygnus Cross, there is a 100% chance to gain 1 meridian star point. 120% damage multiplier, 100% chance to replenish a meridian star point.

- Applies a Cygnus Cross (up to 1) to one ally (except Hyoga), and lights up 2 meridian star points (up to 6). When enemies use a directed attack at a target without Cygnus Cross, the attack has a 50% chance of being redirected to the target with the Cygnus Cross, with a 50% chance to consume a meridian star point. If enemies attack the saint with the Cygnus Cross, one meridian star point will be consumed. Cygnus Cross fades after all meridian star points are consumed. Use the skill again before the Cross fades to get 2 more meridian star points. (When forced Cygnus Cross target change and Ward are effective at the same time, Ward takes precedence but will consume a meridian star point.) Шанс в 50% попасть под влияние Креста Лебедя и шанс в 50% потратить очки судьбы
- Applies a Cygnus Cross (up to 1) to one ally (except Hyoga), and lights up 2 meridian star points (up to 6). When enemies use a directed attack at a target without Cygnus Cross, the attack has a 55% chance of being redirected to the target with the Cygnus Cross, with a 40% chance to consume a meridian star point. If enemies attack the saint with the Cygnus Cross, one meridian star point will be consumed. Cygnus Cross fades after all meridian star points are consumed. Use the skill again before the Cross fades to get 2 more meridian star points. (When forced Cygnus Cross target change and Ward are effective at the same time, Ward takes precedence but will consume a meridian star point.) Шанс в 55% попасть под влияние Креста Лебедя и шанс в 40% потратить очки судьбы
- Applies a Cygnus Cross (up to 1) to one ally (except Hyoga), and lights up 2 meridian star points (up to 6). When enemies use a directed attack at a target without Cygnus Cross, the attack has a 60% chance of being redirected to the target with the Cygnus Cross, with a 30% chance to consume a meridian star point. If enemies attack the saint with the Cygnus Cross, one meridian star point will be consumed. Cygnus Cross fades after all meridian star points are consumed. Use the skill again before the Cross fades to get 2 more meridian star points. (When forced Cygnus Cross target change and Ward are effective at the same time, Ward takes precedence but will consume a meridian star point.) Шанс в 60% попасть под влияние Креста Лебедя и шанс в 30% потратить очки судьбы
- Applies a Cygnus Cross (up to 1) to one ally (except Hyoga), and lights up 2 meridian star points (up to 6). When enemies use a directed attack at a target without Cygnus Cross, the attack has a 70% chance of being redirected to the target with the Cygnus Cross, with a 20% chance to consume a meridian star point. If enemies attack the saint with the Cygnus Cross, one meridian star point will be consumed. Cygnus Cross fades after all meridian star points are consumed. Use the skill again before the Cross fades to get 2 more meridian star points. (When forced Cygnus Cross target change and Ward are effective at the same time, Ward takes precedence but will consume a meridian star point.) 70% chance to be affected by Cygnus Cross; 20% chance to consume a meridian star point.
- Applies a Cygnus Cross (Limit to 1) to one ally (except Hyoga), and lights up 2 meridian star points (up to 6). When enemies use a directed attack at a target without Cygnus Cross, the attack has an 80% chance of being redirected to the target with the Cygnus Cross, with a 10% chance to consume a meridian star point. If enemies attack the saint with the Cygnus Cross, one meridian star point will be consumed. Cygnus Cross fades after all meridian star points are consumed. Use the skill again before the Cross fades to get 2 more meridian star points. (When Cygnus Cross's redirect effect and Ward are effective at the same time, Ward takes precedence but will consume a meridian star point.) 80% chance of being affected by Cygnus Cross; 10% chance to consume meridian star points.

- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross attacks, Hyoga has a 65% chance of casting Aurora Execution to assist and attack the same target, dealing 100% C.DMG. Each meridian star point increases Hyoga's assist multiplier by 40% (up to 160%). Шанс в 65% оказать поддержку, наносящую 100% (+40% за каждое очко судьбы) космического урона
- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross attacks, Hyoga has a 70% chance of casting Aurora Execution to assist and attack the same target, dealing 120% C.DMG. Each meridian star point increases Hyoga's assist multiplier by 50% (up to 200%). Шанс в 70% оказать поддержку, наносящую 120% (+50% за каждое очко судьбы) космического урона
- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross attacks, Hyoga has a 70% chance of casting Aurora Execution to assist and attack the same target, dealing 140% C.DMG. Each meridian star point increases Hyoga's assist multiplier by 60% (up to 240%). Шанс в 70% оказать поддержку, наносящую 140% (+60% за каждое очко судьбы) космического урона
- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross attacks, Hyoga has an 80% chance of casting Aurora Execution to assist and attack the same target, dealing 160% C.DMG. Each meridian star point increases Hyoga's assist multiplier by 70% (up to 280%). Шанс в 80% оказать поддержку, наносящую 160% (+70% за каждое очко судьбы) космического урона
- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross attacks, Hyoga has an 80% chance of casting Aurora Execution to assist and attack the same target, dealing 180% C.DMG. Each meridian star point increases Hyoga assist multiplier by 80% (up to 320%). Шанс в 80% оказать поддержку, наносящую 180% (+80% за каждое очко судьбы) космического урона

- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross is attacked (excluding assist and pursuit), the Cross has a 40% chance to unleash chill, permanently reducing the attacker's Status HIT by 10% (cannot be purified or reversed). Шанс в 40% охладить и снизить шанс наложения эффекта на 10%
- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross is attacked (excluding assist and pursuit), the Cross has a 45% chance to unleash chill, permanently reducing the attacker's Status HIT by 30% (cannot be purified or reversed). Шанс в 45% охладить и снизить шанс наложения эффекта на 30%
- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross is attacked (excluding assist and pursuit), the Cross has a 50% chance to unleash chill, permanently reducing the attacker's Status HIT by 50% (cannot be purified or reversed). Шанс в 50% охладить и снизить шанс наложения эффекта на 50%
- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross is attacked (excluding assist and pursuit), the Cross has a 50% chance to unleash chill, permanently reducing the attacker's Status HIT by 70% (cannot be purified or reversed). Шанс в 50% охладить и снизить шанс наложения эффекта на 70%
- When the ally carrying the Cygnus Cross is attacked (excluding assist and pursuit), the Cross has an 80% chance to unleash chill, permanently reducing the attacker's Status HIT by 70% (cannot be purified or reversed). Шанс в 80% охладить и снизить шанс наложения эффекта на 70%