LRFestive SummerURFestive SummerSSRFestive SummerSSRFestive SummerSSRFestive SummerSSRFestive SummerLRHelpless IngotURHelpless IngotSSRHelpless IngotSSRHelpless IngotSSRHelpless IngotSSRHelpless IngotLRTropical FloatyURTropical FloatySSRTropical FloatySSRTropical FloatySSRTropical FloatySSRTropical FloatyLRRivageURRivageSSRRivageSSRRivageSSRRivageSSRRivageLRHermes’s GuidanceURHermes’s GuidanceSSRHermes’s GuidanceSSRHermes’s GuidanceSSRHermes’s GuidanceSSRHermes’s GuidanceLRVulcan’s Magic CircleURVulcan’s Magic CircleSSRVulcan’s Magic CircleSSRVulcan’s Magic CircleSSRVulcan’s Magic CircleSSRVulcan’s Magic CircleLRDaybringerURDaybringerSSRDaybringerSSRDaybringerSSRDaybringerSSRDaybringerLRStaff of Ancient WisdomURStaff of Ancient WisdomSSRStaff of Ancient WisdomSSRStaff of Ancient WisdomSSRStaff of Ancient WisdomSSRStaff of Ancient WisdomLRSerial SlasherURSerial SlasherSSRSerial SlasherSSRSerial SlasherSSRSerial SlasherSSRSerial SlasherLRFishyURFishySSRFishySSRFishySSRFishySSRFishyLRVermilion VirtueURVermilion VirtueSSRVermilion VirtueSSRVermilion VirtueSSRVermilion VirtueSSRVermilion VirtueLRM1805 Magic BlitzerURM1805 Magic BlitzerSSRM1805 Magic BlitzerSSRM1805 Magic BlitzerSSRM1805 Magic BlitzerSSRM1805 Magic BlitzerLRExecutionerURExecutionerSSRExecutionerSSRExecutionerSSRExecutionerSSRExecutionerLRSaberwings of RustURSaberwings of RustSSRSaberwings of RustSSRSaberwings of RustSSRSaberwings of RustSSRSaberwings of RustLRFists of ConflagrationURFists of ConflagrationSSRFists of ConflagrationSSRFists of ConflagrationSSRFists of ConflagrationSSRFists of ConflagrationLRLunasphereURLunasphereSSRLunasphereSSRLunasphereSSRLunasphereSSRLunasphereLRLance of LonginusURLance of LonginusSSRLance of LonginusSSRLance of LonginusSSRLance of LonginusSSRLance of LonginusLRCendrillonURCendrillonSSRCendrillonSSRCendrillonSSRCendrillonSSRCendrillonLRThor’s HammerURThor’s HammerSSRThor’s HammerSSRThor’s HammerSSRThor’s HammerSSRThor’s HammerLRHoly CrossURHoly CrossSSRHoly CrossSSRHoly CrossSSRHoly CrossSSRHoly CrossLRScythe of Grave BlossomsURScythe of Grave BlossomsSSRScythe of Grave BlossomsSSRScythe of Grave BlossomsSSRScythe of Grave BlossomsSSRScythe of Grave BlossomsLRForget-Me-Not DiaryURForget-Me-Not DiarySSRForget-Me-Not DiarySSRForget-Me-Not DiarySSRForget-Me-Not DiarySSRForget-Me-Not DiaryLRMiniveraURMiniveraSSRMiniveraSSRMiniveraSSRMiniveraSSRMiniveraLRUnam SanctamURUnam SanctamSSRUnam SanctamSSRUnam SanctamSSRUnam SanctamSSRUnam SanctamLRShowbirdURShowbirdSSRShowbirdSSRShowbirdSSRShowbirdSSRShowbirdLRSwindler’s Hidden ClawsURSwindler’s Hidden ClawsSSRSwindler’s Hidden ClawsSSRSwindler’s Hidden ClawsSSRSwindler’s Hidden ClawsSSRSwindler’s Hidden ClawsLRCat PawsURCat PawsSSRCat PawsSSRCat PawsSSRCat PawsSSRCat PawsLRHerald of DeliveranceURHerald of DeliveranceSSRHerald of DeliveranceSSRHerald of DeliveranceSSRHerald of DeliveranceSSRHerald of DeliveranceLRArcheus PrincipleURArcheus PrincipleSSRArcheus PrincipleSSRArcheus PrincipleSSRArcheus PrincipleSSRArcheus PrincipleLRLost ChildURLost ChildSSRLost ChildSSRLost ChildSSRLost ChildSSRLost ChildLRJack & PotURJack & PotSSRJack & PotSSRJack & PotSSRJack & PotSSRJack & PotLRStaff of Sylvan HarvestURStaff of Sylvan HarvestSSRStaff of Sylvan HarvestSSRStaff of Sylvan HarvestSSRStaff of Sylvan HarvestSSRStaff of Sylvan HarvestLREmmaUREmmaSSREmmaSSREmmaSSREmmaSSREmmaLRAngel’s HowlURAngel’s HowlSSRAngel’s HowlSSRAngel’s HowlSSRAngel’s HowlSSRAngel’s HowlLRStaff of Fervent SalvationURStaff of Fervent SalvationSSRStaff of Fervent SalvationSSRStaff of Fervent SalvationSSRStaff of Fervent SalvationSSRStaff of Fervent SalvationLRBurning PromiseURBurning PromiseSSRBurning PromiseSSRBurning PromiseSSRBurning PromiseSSRBurning PromiseLRThorns of LoveURThorns of LoveSSRThorns of LoveSSRThorns of LoveSSRThorns of LoveSSRThorns of LoveLRNotebook on FlowersURNotebook on FlowersSSRNotebook on FlowersSSRNotebook on FlowersSSRNotebook on FlowersSSRNotebook on FlowersLRRivièreURRivièreSSRRivièreSSRRivièreSSRRivièreSSRRivièreLREntombment of ShadowsUREntombment of ShadowsSSREntombment of ShadowsSSREntombment of ShadowsSSREntombment of ShadowsSSREntombment of ShadowsLRViking’s Twin AxesURViking’s Twin AxesSSRViking’s Twin AxesSSRViking’s Twin AxesSSRViking’s Twin AxesSSRViking’s Twin AxesLRLance of the Unbending VowURLance of the Unbending VowSSRLance of the Unbending VowSSRLance of the Unbending VowSSRLance of the Unbending VowSSRLance of the Unbending VowLRVánagandrURVánagandrSSRVánagandrSSRVánagandrSSRVánagandrSSRVánagandrLROathkeeperUROathkeeperSSROathkeeperSSROathkeeperSSROathkeeperSSROathkeeperLRSolsphereURSolsphereSSRSolsphereSSRSolsphereSSRSolsphereSSRSolsphereLRMetatron’s Cherubic HeelsLRMetatron’s Ethereal GownLRMetatron’s Celestial VeilLRMetatron’s Serene GlovesLRMetatron’s ProvidenceLRMetatron’s CommandmentsLRMetatron’s Empyrean SaviorLRMetatron’s Eternal LusterURMichael’s Argent SolleretsURMichael’s Immaculate GownURMichael’s Supernal CrownURMichael’s Pristine GlovesURMichael’s BenevolenceURMichael’s Paragon CreedURMichael’s Holy AuthorityURMichael’s Sinless DefenderSSRSatan’s Heels of TwilightSSRBeelzebub’s Militant BootsSSRLucifugus’s Crimson ClawsSSRAstaroth’s Beguiling BootsSSRSatan’s Midnight Ball GownSSRBeelzebub’s Grisly RegaliaSSRLucifugus’s Sanguine Gown SSRAstaroth’s Carnal DressSSRSatan’s Ebony FascinatorSSRBeelzebub’s Sinister HornsSSRLucifugus’s Horned TiaraSSRAstaroth’s Blooming DiademSSRSatan’s Soirée GlovesSSRBeelzebub’s War GauntletsSSRLucifugus’s Cerise GlovesSSRAstaroth’s Verdant GlovesSSRSatan’s TemptationSSRBeelzebub’s PledgeSSRLucifugus’s PrayerSSRAstaroth’s PromiseSSRSatan’s Cataclysmic ElegySSRBeelzebub’s Sinful DogmaSSRLucifugus’s Blood OathSSRAstaroth’s Foul DisciplineSSRSatan’s Demon CallerSSRBeelzebub’s DoompiercerSSRLucifugus’s Scarlet SurgeSSRAstaroth’s Cunning RavagerSSRSatan’s Unholy SubjugatorSSRBeelzebub’s Fell RipperSSRLucifugus’s HellfireSSRAstaroth’s Dragon ClawSRHaniel’s Boots of VictorySRRaphael’s Dignified BootsSRGabriel’s Elysian SabatonsSRSandalphon’s Radiant BootsSRHaniel’s Coat of DevotionSRRaphael’s Illustrious RobeSRGabriel’s Hallowed CuirassSRSandalphon’s Lambent AegisSRHaniel’s Glorious CapSRRaphael’s Venerable CapSRGabriel’s Lazuline GaleaSRSandalphon’s Fulgid ArmetSRHaniel’s Gloves of DutySRRaphael’s August GlovesSRGabriel’s Cerulean GlovesSRSandalphon’s Lucent GlovesSRHaniel’s GrandeurSRRaphael’s HealingSRGabriel’s AffectionSRSandalphon’s BenedictionSRHaniel’s Codex of GuidanceSRRaphael’s Halcyon GospelSRGabriel’s Divine LitanySRSandalphon’s Sacred WritSRHaniel’s Edict from HeavenSRRaphael’s Ender of SorrowsSRGabriel’s Piercing DecreeSRSandalphon’s Shining RaySRHaniel’s Effulgent CleaverSRRaphael’s Serene LiberatorSRGabriel’s Seraphic ClaymoreSRSandalphon’s LightbringerRBaal’s Sharp SabatonsRAdrammelech’s Volant BootsRLilith’s Frilled BootsRNaamah’s Robust BootsRBaal’s Nightmare CuirassRAdrammelech’s Indigo DressRLilith’s Heavy CuirassRNaamah’s Enchanted CuirassRBaal’s Spiked ArmetRAdrammelech’s Winged TiaraRLilith’s Stout BarbuteRNaamah’s Horned HelmRBaal’s Bladed VambracesRAdrammelech’s Edged GlovesRLilith’s Mauve GauntletsRNaamah’s Iron VambracesRBaal’s BeckoningRAdammelch’s ShimmerRLilith’s AllureRNaamah’s CaptivationRBaal’s Nefarious ScriptureRAdrammelech’s Draconic LawRLilith’s Dark TomeRNaamah’s Mystical TomeRBaal’s Diabolic BarrageRAdrammelech’s WyrmtriggerRLilith’s Flickering NightRNaamah’s Baleful PistolRBaal’s Demonic DecimatorRAdrammelech’s WyvernbrandRLilith’s Bewitching BladeRNaamah’s Magic SwordSProof of the SaintSRing of TwilightSEarrings of JadeSRing of WorshipSTears of the PrincessSJewels of the CommandressSNecklace of the SoldierSSilver NecklaceSBronze EarringsSCombat RingSTraining EarringsSBoots of the SaviorSBoots of Holy ProclamationSBoots of the WindfarerSSabatons of RedemptionSBoots of the VictorSBoots of the CommandressSBoots of the SoldierSSilver Battle BootsSBronze BootsSCombat ShoesSTraining BootsSCorselet of the MatronSCuirass of Divine BlessingSCoat of the Royal FaySCuirass of the Holy MaidenSCorselet of the Azure SkySCuirass of the CommandressSCuirass of the SoldierSSilver CorseletSBronze Body ArmorSCombat VestSTraining VestSGloves of the OracleSGloves of Heaven’s PromiseSGloves of the GuardianSGauntlets of RebirthSGloves of SalvationSGloves of the CommandressSGloves of the SoldierSSilver GauntletsSBronze Battle GlovesSCombat GlovesSTraining GlovesSHelm of the Great HeroSHelm of the Battle MaidenSBurgonet of the SavantSCirclet of the GoddessSHelm of the HeavensSHelm of the CommandressSHelm of the SoldierSSilver HelmSBronze HelmSCombat HelmetSTraining HelmSBook of PropheciesSChronicle of Silver SnowSTome of the Ancient ForestSTale of the High SorceressSTestament of the SaintSTenet of the CommandressSMemoir of the SoldierSSilver Magic TomeSBronze Magic TomeSCombat ManuscriptSFundamentals of BattleSShot of BrillianceSRifle of the Silver CometSRifle of the Roaring WindsSRifle of the Just CrusaderSVanquisher of EvilSPistol of the CommandressSPistol of the SoldierSSilver PistolSBronze PistolSCombat PistolSTraining PistolSSword of Intertwined FatesSSword of the Silver KnightSSword of the SovereignSSword of the Blessed HeroSGreatsword of the PaladinSSword of the CommandressSSword of the SoldierSSilver SwordSBronze SwordSCombat SwordSTraining SwordSProof of the SaintSRing of TwilightSEarrings of JadeSRing of WorshipSTears of the PrincessSJewels of the CommandressSNecklace of the SoldierSSilver NecklaceSBronze EarringsSCombat RingSTraining EarringsSBoots of the SaviorSBoots of Holy ProclamationSBoots of the WindfarerSSabatons of RedemptionSBoots of the VictorSBoots of the CommandressSBoots of the SoldierSSilver Battle BootsSBronze BootsSCombat ShoesSTraining BootsSCorselet of the MatronSCuirass of Divine BlessingSCoat of the Royal FaySCuirass of the Holy MaidenSCorselet of the Azure SkySCuirass of the CommandressSCuirass of the SoldierSSilver CorseletSBronze Body ArmorSCombat VestSTraining VestSGloves of the OracleSGloves of Heaven’s PromiseSGloves of the GuardianSGauntlets of RebirthSGloves of SalvationSGloves of the CommandressSGloves of the SoldierSSilver GauntletsSBronze Battle GlovesSCombat GlovesSTraining GlovesSHelm of the Great HeroSHelm of the Battle MaidenSBurgonet of the SavantSCirclet of the GoddessSHelm of the HeavensSHelm of the CommandressSHelm of the SoldierSSilver HelmSBronze HelmSCombat HelmetSTraining HelmSBook of PropheciesSChronicle of Silver SnowSTome of the Ancient ForestSTale of the High SorceressSTestament of the SaintSTenet of the CommandressSMemoir of the SoldierSSilver Magic TomeSBronze Magic TomeSCombat ManuscriptSFundamentals of BattleSShot of BrillianceSRifle of the Silver CometSRifle of the Roaring WindsSRifle of the Just CrusaderSVanquisher of EvilSPistol of the CommandressSPistol of the SoldierSSilver PistolSBronze PistolSCombat PistolSTraining PistolSSword of Intertwined FatesSSword of the Silver KnightSSword of the SovereignSSword of the Blessed HeroSGreatsword of the PaladinSSword of the CommandressSSword of the SoldierSSilver SwordSBronze SwordSCombat SwordSTraining SwordAProof of the SaintARing of TwilightAEarrings of JadeARing of WorshipATears of the PrincessAJewels of the CommandressANecklace of the SoldierASilver NecklaceABronze EarringsACombat RingATraining EarringsABoots of the SaviorABoots of Holy ProclamationABoots of the WindfarerASabatons of RedemptionABoots of the VictorABoots of the CommandressABoots of the SoldierASilver Battle BootsABronze BootsACombat ShoesATraining BootsACorselet of the MatronACuirass of Divine BlessingACoat of the Royal FayACuirass of the Holy MaidenACorselet of the Azure SkyACuirass of the CommandressACuirass of the SoldierASilver CorseletABronze Body ArmorACombat VestATraining VestAGloves of the OracleAGloves of Heaven’s PromiseAGloves of the GuardianAGauntlets of RebirthAGloves of SalvationAGloves of the CommandressAGloves of the SoldierASilver GauntletsABronze Battle GlovesACombat GlovesATraining GlovesAHelm of the Great HeroAHelm of the Battle MaidenABurgonet of the SavantACirclet of the GoddessAHelm of the HeavensAHelm of the CommandressAHelm of the SoldierASilver HelmABronze HelmACombat HelmetATraining HelmABook of PropheciesAChronicle of Silver SnowATome of the Ancient ForestATale of the High SorceressATestament of the SaintATenet of the CommandressAMemoir of the SoldierASilver Magic TomeABronze Magic TomeACombat ManuscriptAFundamentals of BattleAShot of BrillianceARifle of the Silver CometARifle of the Roaring WindsARifle of the Just CrusaderAVanquisher of EvilAPistol of the CommandressAPistol of the SoldierASilver PistolABronze PistolACombat PistolATraining PistolASword of Intertwined FatesASword of the Silver KnightASword of the SovereignASword of the Blessed HeroAGreatsword of the PaladinASword of the CommandressASword of the SoldierASilver SwordABronze SwordACombat SwordATraining SwordBProof of the SaintBRing of TwilightBEarrings of JadeBRing of WorshipBTears of the PrincessBJewels of the CommandressBNecklace of the SoldierBSilver NecklaceBBronze EarringsBCombat RingBTraining EarringsBBoots of the SaviorBBoots of Holy ProclamationBBoots of the WindfarerBSabatons of RedemptionBBoots of the VictorBBoots of the CommandressBBoots of the SoldierBSilver Battle BootsBBronze BootsBCombat ShoesBTraining BootsBCorselet of the MatronBCuirass of Divine BlessingBCoat of the Royal FayBCuirass of the Holy MaidenBCorselet of the Azure SkyBCuirass of the CommandressBCuirass of the SoldierBSilver CorseletBBronze Body ArmorBCombat VestBTraining VestBGloves of the OracleBGloves of Heaven’s PromiseBGloves of the GuardianBGauntlets of RebirthBGloves of SalvationBGloves of the CommandressBGloves of the SoldierBSilver GauntletsBBronze Battle GlovesBCombat GlovesBTraining GlovesBHelm of the Great HeroBHelm of the Battle MaidenBBurgonet of the SavantBCirclet of the GoddessBHelm of the HeavensBHelm of the CommandressBHelm of the SoldierBSilver HelmBBronze HelmBCombat HelmetBTraining HelmBBook of PropheciesBChronicle of Silver SnowBTome of the Ancient ForestBTale of the High SorceressBTestament of the SaintBTenet of the CommandressBMemoir of the SoldierBSilver Magic TomeBBronze Magic TomeBCombat ManuscriptBFundamentals of BattleBShot of BrillianceBRifle of the Silver CometBRifle of the Roaring WindsBRifle of the Just CrusaderBVanquisher of EvilBPistol of the CommandressBPistol of the SoldierBSilver PistolBBronze PistolBCombat PistolBTraining PistolBSword of Intertwined FatesBSword of the Silver KnightBSword of the SovereignBSword of the Blessed HeroBGreatsword of the PaladinBSword of the CommandressBSword of the SoldierBSilver SwordBBronze SwordBCombat SwordBTraining SwordCProof of the SaintCRing of TwilightCEarrings of JadeCRing of WorshipCTears of the PrincessCJewels of the CommandressCNecklace of the SoldierCSilver NecklaceCBronze EarringsCCombat RingCTraining EarringsCBoots of the SaviorCBoots of Holy ProclamationCBoots of the WindfarerCSabatons of RedemptionCBoots of the VictorCBoots of the CommandressCBoots of the SoldierCSilver Battle BootsCBronze BootsCCombat ShoesCTraining BootsCCorselet of the MatronCCuirass of Divine BlessingCCoat of the Royal FayCCuirass of the Holy MaidenCCorselet of the Azure SkyCCuirass of the CommandressCCuirass of the SoldierCSilver CorseletCBronze Body ArmorCCombat VestCTraining VestCGloves of the OracleCGloves of Heaven’s PromiseCGloves of the GuardianCGauntlets of RebirthCGloves of SalvationCGloves of the CommandressCGloves of the SoldierCSilver GauntletsCBronze Battle GlovesCCombat GlovesCTraining GlovesCHelm of the Great HeroCHelm of the Battle MaidenCBurgonet of the SavantCCirclet of the GoddessCHelm of the HeavensCHelm of the CommandressCHelm of the SoldierCSilver HelmCBronze HelmCCombat HelmetCTraining HelmCBook of PropheciesCChronicle of Silver SnowCTome of the Ancient ForestCTale of the High SorceressCTestament of the SaintCTenet of the CommandressCMemoir of the SoldierCSilver Magic TomeCBronze Magic TomeCCombat ManuscriptCFundamentals of BattleCShot of BrillianceCRifle of the Silver CometCRifle of the Roaring WindsCRifle of the Just CrusaderCVanquisher of EvilCPistol of the CommandressCPistol of the SoldierCSilver PistolCBronze PistolCCombat PistolCTraining PistolCSword of Intertwined FatesCSword of the Silver KnightCSword of the SovereignCSword of the Blessed HeroCGreatsword of the PaladinCSword of the CommandressCSword of the SoldierCSilver SwordCBronze SwordCCombat SwordCTraining SwordDProof of the SaintDRing of TwilightDEarrings of JadeDRing of WorshipDTears of the PrincessDJewels of the CommandressDNecklace of the SoldierDSilver NecklaceDBronze EarringsDCombat RingDTraining EarringsDBoots of the SaviorDBoots of Holy ProclamationDBoots of the WindfarerDSabatons of RedemptionDBoots of the VictorDBoots of the CommandressDBoots of the SoldierDSilver Battle BootsDBronze BootsDCombat ShoesDTraining BootsDCorselet of the MatronDCuirass of Divine BlessingDCoat of the Royal FayDCuirass of the Holy MaidenDCorselet of the Azure SkyDCuirass of the CommandressDCuirass of the SoldierDSilver CorseletDBronze Body ArmorDCombat VestDTraining VestDGloves of the OracleDGloves of Heaven’s PromiseDGloves of the GuardianDGauntlets of RebirthDGloves of SalvationDGloves of the CommandressDGloves of the SoldierDSilver GauntletsDBronze Battle GlovesDCombat GlovesDTraining GlovesDHelm of the Great HeroDHelm of the Battle MaidenDBurgonet of the SavantDCirclet of the GoddessDHelm of the HeavensDHelm of the CommandressDHelm of the SoldierDSilver HelmDBronze HelmDCombat HelmetDTraining HelmDBook of PropheciesDChronicle of Silver SnowDTome of the Ancient ForestDTale of the High SorceressDTestament of the SaintDTenet of the CommandressDMemoir of the SoldierDSilver Magic TomeDBronze Magic TomeDCombat ManuscriptDFundamentals of BattleDShot of BrillianceDRifle of the Silver CometDRifle of the Roaring WindsDRifle of the Just CrusaderDVanquisher of EvilDPistol of the CommandressDPistol of the SoldierDSilver PistolDBronze PistolDCombat PistolDTraining PistolDSword of Intertwined FatesDSword of the Silver KnightDSword of the SovereignDSword of the Blessed HeroDGreatsword of the PaladinDSword of the CommandressDSword of the SoldierDSilver SwordDBronze SwordDCombat SwordDTraining Sword