Group Deceleration, Forced Freezing
- Role
- Skilled
- Element
- Light Knight
- Stars
- 16★
- Level
- 240
- HP
- 407773
- 52883
- 7948
- ATK Speed
- 100%
- Crit Rate
- 2.5%
- Tenacity
- 0.5%
- Crit DMG Rate
- 0%
- Toughness
- 0%
- Hit
- 239
- 0
- HP Drain
- 0%
- 0%
- RH
- 0%
- 0
- DMG Boost
- 0%
- DMG Reduced
- 0%
- Regen on Attacks
- 10.53%
- Regen on Damage
- 1.79%
- Date
- 27/09/2023
- 6★ Hyôga
5★ Hyôga
5★ Hyôga
- 7★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 8★ Hyôga
7★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 9★ Hyôga
8★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 10★ Hyôga
9★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 11★ Hyôga
10★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 12★ Hyôga
11★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 13★ Hyôga
12★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 14★ Hyôga
13★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 15★ Hyôga
14★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga
- 16★ Hyôga
15★ Hyôga
6★ Hyôga

- Deals damage equal to 300% of ATK to 3 enemies in front, and make the target enter the state of [Absolute Freezing] for 3s. This effect cannot be immune or dispelled by [Blessed] and other states. In the state of [Absolute Freezing], the target cannot act and all passive, trigger and aura effects will be temporarily invalid, and they will not receive any buffs. [Absolute Freezing] is also considered as [Freeze], then all [Freeze]-related effects can be triggered.
- Deals damage equal to 330% of ATK.
- Increases the duration of [Absolute Freezing] to 4s.
- Start time
- 1.433s
- End time
- 2.7s
- Delay
- 0s
- Cooldown
- 0s
- Regen on Attacks
- 0%
- Regen on Damage
- 3.85%

- Attacks all targets to cause damage equal to 130% of ATK, makes the targets Slow Down by 10 and reduces ATKS by 10%. The effect lasts 6s.
- Increases the damage to 160% of ATK.
- If the target is already in the state of [Freeze], the damage will be doubled.
- If the target is already in the state of [Freeze], the effect of Slow-Down and ATKS descrease will be doubled.
- Start time
- 0.633s
- End time
- 1.8s
- Delay
- 4s
- Cooldown
- 12s
- Regen on Attacks
- 16%
- Regen on Damage
- 5.57%

- After releasing any skill, Hyôga will get Crystal Body effect for 6s, and the duration of all control effects and debuffs received in this state will be shortened by 50%. Crystal Body effect can only be dispelled compulsively, when the effect is obtained again, it will not be stacked but the duration will be extended.
- In the state of Crystal Body, all damage received will be reduced by 25%.
- In the state of Crystal Body, the duration of control effects received will be reduced by75% and the damage taken will be reduced by 50%.

- When God Cloth Hyôga is on the field, if the enemy is in the state of [Freeze] or [Absolute Freezing], it will not be able to recover HP and will take damage equal to 6% of Hyôga's ATK every 0.1s. This damage ignores DEF and any damage reduction effects.
- Loses HP equal to 7% of Hyôga's ATK every 0.1s.
- Loses HP equal to 8% of Hyôga's ATK every 0.1s.
Swan God Cloth
- The basic cooling time of Diamond Dust is reduced by 25%, and if the target of the attack is already in the [Freeze] state, the cooling time will be reduced by an extra 25%.
- The Slowdown and ATKS reduction effects caused by Diamond Dust will be incrementally applied to Hyôga in equal amounts for 6s.
- [Crystal Body] will also take effect on all allies, but the duration will be decreased by 50%.
- When the enemy attacks a knight in the state of [Crystal Body], there will be a 60% chance of being [Frozen] for 2s.
- HP Boost
- 15%
- ATK Boost
- 18%
- DEF Boost
- 18%
- Life Drain
- 60
[Swan Exclusive]
- Increases Frozen World skill damage by 35%.
- Immune to all [Freeze] effects, and all [Freeze] effects caused by our side cannot be dispelled.

- HP Boost
- 19.49%
- Hit
- 108
- 12
- ATK Boost
- 11.1%
- 96
- DEF Boost
- 26.4%
- ATK Speed
- 7.5%