Реквием, меняющий день с ночью.
Пандора, единственная дочь благородной семьи Хейнштейн, случайно открыла священный сундук, в котором были запечатаны Гипнос и Танатос, из-за чего погибла вся ее семья. С тех пор Пандоре досталось право командовать 108 спектрами, и ей предназначено защищать Аида.
- Редкость
- A
- Cloth kind
- Legendary
- Available
- Yes
- HP
- 10 920
- Speed
- 228
- Защита
- 498
- Косм. ЗЩТ
- 484
- 2 730
- 400

- Deals 100% C.DMG to an enemy. Множитель урона 100%
- Deals 105% C.DMG to an enemy. Множитель урона 105%
- Deals 110% C.DMG to an enemy. Множитель урона 110%
- Deals 115% C.DMG to an enemy. Множитель урона 115%
- Deals 120% C.DMG to an enemy. Множитель урона 120%

- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 300% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Восполняет кол-во ОЗ, равное 300% косм. АТК
- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 325% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Восполняет кол-во ОЗ, равное 325% косм. АТК
- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 350% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Восполняет кол-во ОЗ, равное 350% косм. АТК
- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 375% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Восполняет кол-во ОЗ, равное 375% косм. АТК
- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 400% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Восполняет кол-во ОЗ, равное 400% косм. АТК

- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers ally units. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has an 80% chance to be reversed into a buff. Шанс активации в 80%. Эффект длится 1 раунд.
- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers ally units. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has a 90% chance to be reversed into a buff. Шанс активации в 90%. Эффект длится 1 раунд.
- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers ally units. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has a 90% chance to be reversed into a buff. Шанс активации в 90%. Эффект длится 2 раунда.
- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers allies. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has a 100% chance to be reversed into a buff. It also adds a shield equal to 10% of Pandora's max HP to all allies and lasts 2 rounds. Has a 100% chance to trigger. The effect lasts 2 rounds and adds a shield equal to 10% of max HP.
- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers allies. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has a 100% chance to be reversed into a buff. It also adds a shield equal to 15% of Pandora's max HP to all allies and lasts 2 rounds. Has a 100% chance to trigger. The effect lasts 3 rounds and adds a shield equal to 15% of max HP.

- Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is an 80% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 10% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Шанс активации в 80%. Повышение исцеления на 10%. - Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is an 85% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 15% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Шанс активации в 85%. Повышение исцеления на 15%. - Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is a 90% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 20% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Шанс активации в 90%. Повышение исцеления на 20%. - Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is a 95% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 25% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Шанс активации в 95%. Повышение исцеления на 25%. - Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is a 100% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 30% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Шанс активации в 100%. Повышение исцеления на 30%.