Всемогущий бог морей, Мир текущей воды
Джулиан Соло - наследник самой богатой семьи в мире, а также сосуд для духа Посейдона. После того как Канон сломал печать Афины, в Джулиане пробудилось сознание Посейдона. Он начал призывать огромные дождевые тучи и цунами, чтобы очистить мир.
Cloth kind
13 650
Косм. ЗЩТ
2 728
 Трезубец Посейдона - Прилив Трезубец Посейдона - Прилив
  1. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of the tides. Tap to control 1 Sea Tide (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Sea Tide, then each Sea Tide increases Poseidon's Reflect DMG by 1% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает отражение урона на 1%.
  2. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of the tides. Tap to control 1 Sea Tide (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Sea Tide, then each Sea Tide increases Poseidon's Reflect DMG by 1% upon usage. Cannot be dispelled and unlocks the skill Sea Tide.Vortex. Повышает отражение урона на 1% и разблокирует навык "Прилив - Водоворот".
  3. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of the tides. Tap to control 1 Sea Tide (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Sea Tide, then each Sea Tide increases Poseidon's Reflect DMG by 1% upon usage. Cannot be dispelled and unlocks the skill Sea Tide.Shell. Повышает отражение урона на 1% и разблокирует навык "Прилив - Панцирь".
  4. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of the tides. Tap to control 1 Sea Tide (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Sea Tide, then each Sea Tide increases Poseidon's Reflect DMG by 3% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает отражение урона на 3%.
  5. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of the tides. Tap to control 1 Sea Tide (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Sea Tide, then each Sea Tide increases Poseidon's Reflect DMG by 5% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает отражение урона на 5%.
Трезубец Посейдона - Ледяной кристаллТрезубец Посейдона - Ледяной кристалл
  1. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of Ice Crystal. Tap to control 1 Ice Crystal (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Ice Crystal, then each Ice Crystal increases Poseidon's Status HIT by 2% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает шанс эффекта на 2%.
  2. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of Ice Crystal. Tap to control 1 Ice Crystal (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Ice Crystal, then each Ice Crystal increases Poseidon's Status HIT by 2% upon usage. Cannot be dispelled and unlocks the skill Ice Crystal.Armor. Повышает шанс эффекта на 2% и разблокирует навык "Ледяной кристалл - Броня".
  3. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of Ice Crystal. Tap to control 1 Ice Crystal (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Ice Crystal, then each Ice Crystal increases Poseidon's Status HIT by 2% upon usage. Cannot be dispelled and unlocks the skill Ice Crystal.Seed. Повышает шанс эффекта на 2% и разблокирует навык "Ледяной кристалл - Семя".
  4. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of Ice Crystal. Tap to control 1 Ice Crystal (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Ice Crystal, then each Ice Crystal increases Poseidon's Status HIT by 5% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает шанс эффекта на 5%.
  5. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of Ice Crystal. Tap to control 1 Ice Crystal (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Ice Crystal, then each Ice Crystal increases Poseidon's Status HIT by 8% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает шанс эффекта на 8%.
Трезубец Посейдона - Грозовая тучаТрезубец Посейдона - Грозовая туча
  1. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of thunder clouds. Tap to control 1 Thunder Cloud (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Thunder Cloud, then each Thunder Cloud increases Poseidon's Final DMG by 1% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает итоговый урон на 1%.
  2. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of thunder clouds. Tap to control 1 Thunder Cloud (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Thunder Cloud, then each Thunder Cloud increases Poseidon's Final DMG by 1% upon usage. Cannot be dispelled and unlocks the skill Thunder Cloud.Split Lightning. Повышает итоговый урон на 1% и разблокирует навык "Грозовая туча - Расщепление молнии".
  3. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of thunder clouds. Tap to control 1 Thunder Cloud (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Thunder Cloud, then each Thunder Cloud increases Poseidon's Final DMG by 1% upon usage. Cannot be dispelled and unlocks the skill Thunder Cloud.Blizzard. Повышает итоговый урон на 1% и разблокирует навык "Грозовая туча - Буря".
  4. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of thunder clouds. Tap to control 1 Thunder Cloud (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Thunder Cloud, then each Thunder Cloud increases Poseidon's Final DMG by 2% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает итоговый урон на 2%.
  5. Poseidon's Trident contains the power of thunder clouds. Tap to control 1 Thunder Cloud (up to 3). If the "Ocean's Determination" includes Thunder Cloud, then each Thunder Cloud increases Poseidon's Final DMG by 4% upon usage (cannot be dispelled). Повышает итоговый урон на 4%.
Воля океанаВоля океана
  1. Poseidon possesses three powers: Sea Tide, Ice Crystal and Thunder Cloud. By combining his powers to a varying degree, he can unleash the skill "Ocean's Determination", whose effect differs depending on the combination. Каждая сила может накапливаться до 3.
  2. Poseidon possesses three powers: Sea Tide, Ice Crystal and Thunder Cloud. By combining his powers to a varying degree, he can unleash the skill "Ocean's Determination", whose effect differs depending on the combination. Каждая сила может накапливаться до 4.
  3. Poseidon possesses three powers: Sea Tide, Ice Crystal and Thunder Cloud. By combining his powers to a varying degree, he can unleash the skill "Ocean's Determination", whose effect differs depending on the combination. Каждая сила может накапливаться до 6.
  4. Poseidon possesses three powers: Sea Tide, Ice Crystal and Thunder Cloud. By combining his powers to a varying degree, he can unleash the skill "Ocean's Determination", whose effect differs depending on the combination. Каждая сила может накапливаться до 8.
  5. Poseidon possesses three powers: Sea Tide, Ice Crystal and Thunder Cloud. By combining his powers to a varying degree, he can unleash the skill "Ocean's Determination", whose effect differs depending on the combination. Каждая сила может накапливаться до 10.