Requiem, reversing day and night.
Pandora, the only daughter of the noble Heinstein family, accidentally opened a sacred closet in which Hypnos and Thanatos were sealed, causing her whole family to be killed. Since then, Pandora was granted the power to command the 108 Specters, and is fated to be the protector of Hades.
- Rarity
- A
- Cloth kind
- Legendary
- Available
- Yes
- HP
- 10 920
- Speed
- 228
- 498
- 484
- 2 730
- 400

- Deals 100% C.DMG to an enemy. 100% damage multiplier
- Deals 105% C.DMG to an enemy. 105% damage multiplier
- Deals 110% C.DMG to an enemy. 110% damage multiplier
- Deals 115% C.DMG to an enemy. 115% damage multiplier
- Deals 120% C.DMG to an enemy. 120% damage multiplier

- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 300% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Recovers HP equal to 300% of C.ATK
- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 325% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Recovers HP equal to 325% of C.ATK
- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 350% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Recovers HP equal to 350% of C.ATK
- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 375% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Recovers HP equal to 375% of C.ATK
- A dark but melancholy tune. Plays for one ally to restore HP equal to 400% (+Healing) of the ally's C.ATK. Recovers HP equal to 400% of C.ATK

- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers ally units. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has an 80% chance to be reversed into a buff. Has an 80% chance to trigger. The effect lasts 1 turn.
- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers ally units. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has a 90% chance to be reversed into a buff. Has a 90% chance to trigger. The effect lasts 1 turn.
- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers ally units. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has a 90% chance to be reversed into a buff. Has a 90% chance to trigger. The effect lasts 2 turns.
- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers allies. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has a 100% chance to be reversed into a buff. It also adds a shield equal to 10% of Pandora's max HP to all allies and lasts 2 rounds. Has a 100% chance to trigger. The effect lasts 2 rounds and adds a shield equal to 10% of max HP.
- Daylight is no more, and the magical music of the eternal night empowers allies. If the target receives a debuff during this time, the debuff has a 100% chance to be reversed into a buff. It also adds a shield equal to 15% of Pandora's max HP to all allies and lasts 2 rounds. Has a 100% chance to trigger. The effect lasts 3 rounds and adds a shield equal to 15% of max HP.

- Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is an 80% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 10% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Has an 80% chance to trigger. 10% increased Healing. - Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is an 85% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 15% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Has an 85% chance to trigger. 15% increased Healing. - Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is a 90% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 20% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Has a 90% chance to trigger. 20% increased Healing. - Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is a 95% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 25% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Has a 95% chance to trigger. 25% increased Healing. - Resist the manipulation of fate. Whenever crowd controls or debuffs on ally units are removed or reversed, there is a 100% chance to play a Requiem to the ally unit with the lowest HP percentage, with an additional 30% increased Healing. Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Night Sonata by 1 round if it's still on cooldown.
If all allies are at full HP, then will not trigger. Has a 100% chance to trigger. 30% increased Healing.