- Rarity
- Level
- 80
- SA
- 10
- Cost
- 30
- HP
- 6712
- 7377
- 3385
- Active Time
- 2022-11-28
Proud Saiyan Lineage
- "Bond of Parent and Child" or "Future Saga" Category Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%, plus an additional HP, ATK & DEF +10% for characters who also belong to the "Battle of Fate" Category
Proud Father and Son
- ATK & DEF +100%; Ki +1 (up to +3) plus an additional DEF +15% (up to 45%) with each attack received; plus an additional ATK & DEF +50% and high chance of guarding all attacks as the 1st attacker in a turn
Rage of Our Warrior Race (12)
- Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy

- Rarity
- UR
- Level
- 120
- SA
- 10
- Cost
- 58
- HP
- 17389
- 17993
- 11093
- Active Time
- 2022-11-28
Cooperation Between the Enraged Father and Son
- "Bond of Parent and Child" or "Future Saga" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +150%, plus an additional HP, ATK & DEF +20% for characters who also belong to the "Battle of Fate" Category
Father and Son Fighting as One
- Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +120%; plus an additional Ki +1 (up to +4) and DEF +15% (up to 60%) with each attack received; plus an additional ATK & DEF +60% and high chance of guarding all attacks as the 1st attacker in a turn
Rage of Our Warrior Race (12)
- Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy

- Rarity
- LR
- Level
- 150
- SA
- 20
- Cost
- 77
- HP
- 22927
- 21069
- 13572
- Active Time
- 2022-11-28
Power of Pride and Hope
- "Bond of Parent and Child" or "Future Saga" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%, plus an additional HP, ATK & DEF +30% for characters who also belong to the "Battle of Fate" Category
Father and Son Protecting the Future
- Activates the Entrance Animation (once only) and Ki +2, DEF +70% and guards all attacks for 5 turns from start of turn when there is another "Bond of Parent and Child" Category ally attacking in the same turn at start of character's attacking turn; Ki +2, ATK & DEF +140% and launches an additional attack that has a medium chance of becoming a Super Attack; plus an additional Ki +1 (up to +5), DEF +15% (up to 75%) and chance of performing a critical hit +7% (up to 35%) with each attack received; plus an additional ATK & DEF +70% and guards all attacks as the 1st attacker in a turn
Rage of Our Warrior Race (12)
- Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes colossal damage to enemy
Gamma Burst Flash & Burning Attack (18)
- Raises ATK & DEF and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy